Monday, November 12, 2012

Keep swimming towards the light

Another quick update. I honestly thought I would update sooner and that my post would be longer. But being in the state-of-emergency-panicked-crunch-time situation that I am in right now, I'm grateful for every last minute of sleep that I can get...

The sluice gates have opened all the way and work is flooding in from all directions. It seems as though there is no end to this madness. To be honest though, the only thing I am truly unhappy about is how I am performing amongst all this.. To say I have been underperforming is bordering on being an understatement and being highly accurate. The good thing is that I realized I was slipping down a slippery slope and well, now I'm trying to apply the breaks and climb back up. Like I said, I'm not complaining, I brought this upon myself, that's what you get when you let things snowball. I have been analyzing my work habits and trying to optimize my time. The sad thing though, is that for some reason, time management does not come easy to me. In fact, if it wasn't for my friends who kept helping and pushing me, I'd probably still be on my decent down that slope we talked about.

It just hurts that at this age, such a basic thing like time management is posing challenges to me. How am I supposed to advance in university, with a program that is designed to stretch me if I can't even manage my time?!

Here I go again, not using my time wisely, I'm supposed to e working right now.. That's why I planned for This to be a quick one though it didn't turn out that way.. So I guess I'm signing off now,

Back to the grind,
Praying for focus and productivity...

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