Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Quick one, For REALS!

Thailand was AMAZING! Needless to say, I didn't really want to come back. We visited 3 homes including the one we are going to work with in January. Two in Chiang Rai and one in Laos It was really humbling to meet those kids, they have so little yet they seem content. It's almost as if Pandora's box was never opened where they live. Chiang Rai is a small town so it's quite slow paced and relaxed. It's sad knowing so many of these kids are exploited by sex traffickers and drug lords. I got to meet many great people both from Thailand and Singapore. We went together with our sponsoring Rotary club and we got a chance to interact with many of their members and their children. They took real good care of us. Some of them would even serve us during meals. Overall it was a blast! 

Fell ill today and that when it occurred to me, I really need to plan for such 'rainy days' more. Spent most of the day sleeping and groaning. It's times like these when you get to know who your real friends are. It feels good to know that you have people you can count on, I feel blessed. =) 

 Looking back on what happened today, I was reminded of the need to keep pushing no matter how hard it gets or how bad you feel. There came a point where I was in so much pain, I kept seeing worst case scenario. 

"I'm going to need surgery." 

"I won't be able to finish the semester." 

But I'm fine now, back to school tomorrow. 

I read this on twitter and I couldn't help but smile. It gave me more hope, more optimism and it's got me looking forward to tomorrow no matter what happens.

"If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it" - @Godstagram 

Anyway, Bye for now!

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