Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lots of unrelated thing.. Yet somehow they intertwine.

It's not like I wasn't already in hot soup. Now, it's like someone has put that bowl of soup with me in it in an inferno and turned up the heat to a maximum.. The term is reaching its climax. I'm also going on a recce trip to Chiang Rai this week to scout the place for our service project in January next year. A trip I don't even know I will be able to go for. Either way, I'm missing two days of school and I need to finish all my assignments due Thursday/Friday by Wednesday as well as study for a physics test that also falls on Wednesday. Not to mention I also need to submit a journal that documents my design process for another module also due this Friday by Wednesday. Oh joy.

We embark on Thursday morning and my two comrades make the work we have to do (in advance no less) seem like a walk in the park. Then again, they are both esteemed personalities, the cream of the crop from wherever they come from while I, lets just say I got lucky...

I am overwhelmed sometimes by feelings of pride and worthlessness at the same time. When you are surrounded by greatness, you really just want to step up but sometimes you just don't know how. I hate comparing myself to others and I always avoid it at all cost. At least I try to. I guess I just have to be the best that I can be and hope and prey that everything will work out as it should.

It's also really interesting how you start complaining about all the problems in you're life and then something happens and suddenly you're reminded that you're actually living in a very tiny bubble and your problems are actually negligible compared to the rest of the world..
For me that came when I found out that someone I knew was terminally ill. My interactions with this person not only reminded me of the things I mentioned, but I also learnt new things about myself. Maybe it's because I have had so many people pity me, I have learnt not to feel that way towards others. It really can be one of the worst feelings on the planet. You feel pathetic and just utterly disrespected.. I really shouldn't be taking about this here. I have said more then I should have. But it's nice to get it all out there.

Moving forward, I aspire to be the best that I can be, friend, student, person and offspring. Only time will tell how that goes. Haha I still haven't thought of a signature yet. I don't even know why I need one but I really do want one.

Anyway, bye for now

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