Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Becoming lazy...

So much has happened since my last post.. So much that I can't even remember right now...

I have basically been really down Te past couple of days, plagued by bullshit that doesn't even matter. Sometimes I don't even wonder why I care so much. I really need to out up more barriers so that people with malicious intent can't get to me so easily... This may sound absurd but I kinda feel like Stefan from the latest episode of TVD. The one where he turns off his emotions, stops giving two shots and well.. There's the whole thing with Rebecca but I digress.. I really should be more guarded... Proceed with caution.

I'm other news, school has started in full swing with term three. So far so good but there is a need, now more then ever to maintain! I would say I started the term on the right foot. So lets just keep putting our best foot forward and let our lives unfold as they will. I mean it's definitely was not perfect, but is it ever?

This brogramming thing has got me all frustrated and annoyed with my self. But I guess that's what happens when you come in late for the first lesson because you were preoccupied by cluster phobia getting an MRI scan (which by the way, I pulled through! It's all about breathing and assuring yourself that you won't be stuck in that confined space forever- you'll be let out soon). Another problem is I still can't see the screen even from the very front seat.. I really need to find a way to work around this pronto! I mean I can't get the ever so kind an patient and green angel of a classmate of mine to teach me what he learnt in class because I can't see.

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I'm not tying. But it is virtually impossible for me to follow the lesson without being able to see the screen! It's so frustrating! But this is not a new predicament.. I just have to find another way to cope. I usually rely on hearing but in this case, the instructor doesn't say what he types letter for letter... So I have to find another way.. I have long passed the phase where I wished I could see better.. Now it's just about new challenges and overcoming them. I hope I think of something soon... Before I get left too far behind.

I'm off now Till the next time, stay hungry, stay curious and push on!

P.s I started drinking coffee and it has the opposite effect on me! I feel sleepy and drows instead of alert and awake! :(

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