Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tid bit of a reflection...

I never imagined my life would turn out like this. I mean some things you expect and some well, you don't. I like where I'm at, looking forward, I like where I'm heading. It's not perfect and there's room for (LOTS of) improvement.

I'm a student in a great school, with wonderful and caring faculty, staff and management. I have made wonderful friends and am proud to pioneer a wonderful degree program. I need to work so much harder, pull up my grades which are Farley below average right now. Other then that, a bunch of insecurities and issues, I'm fine. When you have a positive outlook, take a step back and break thing down, life becomes easier to live and you can let yourself enjoy the people and things that matter with a peace of mind that is just - priceless.

Today was day one of repentance and redemption. After that, we kicked off my Club's orientation/bonding camp. Although I felt bad for not being able to help out in the planning process at all, it felt good to just lay back and participate. Just let loos and have fun! There were many reasons why I was frustrated, helpless and flat out not looking forward to the camp at all. I realize now that, although I did have valid points and concerns wrapped up in all those negative emotions, allot of it had to do with my own insecurities and issues. But today, I let go let loose and just had fun! Perhaps a bit too much, bordering on crazy, but it's a camp! You're supposed to make a total fool of yourself! Right? Haha!

You know, this whole blogging thing is really working out for me. I mean taking the time to type my thoughts out and keep a record of them. Thing is, I haven't told anyone about this blog. To my knowledge, no one I know of knows of the existence of this blog. Then again, I know someone, remember good old J? Also known as super stalker. She might be reading this. Haha. I have contemplated telling maybe just her and a couple of my other really close friends about it and giving them the URL, but then I always flake out last minute because I like this privacy. Knowing that if they can read this, they can't judge me for what I write here. Haha. Yet some how I can still manage to get 20-30 page views. Come on now, lets interact a little. If you are reading this, please comment below and tell me a bit about yourself, where you're frown etc. I often wonder what kind of people stubble upon this. I tried googling this blog but couldn't find it at all, no matter what I tried. So go on, don't be shy now, show that comment section a little love ;)

Gotta go get some work done. I really do need to focus better, be more task oriented and priorities! Can't star this visions late-night work cycle again! Times are easier now, the work load is light and not monumental I hope when thing start to speed up once term starts, I won't loose myself in a vortex of poor planning, procrastination, lack of focus and then the mad rush to try and stay afloat. I hope I'll be ready to tackle term three. With a little decline, exercise, healthy diet and what not. I need to bring back that Soccer player, goal keeper, motivated athletes version of my self and combine it with the person I have become today. A fee I think not so hard to achieve. Starting with tomorrow's Cycling trip, I'm going to turn my fitness, mentality and outlook around. So I'm off now, I'll be back real soon, keeping you (whoever you are) and myself posted on my progress.

Till then, stay hungry, stay curious and push on!

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