Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The January 1st post....

I think almost everyone who blogs has a post on either the 31st of December or the 1st of Jan- I just finished reading a couple.. Sadly, mine is found to be short hasty and well, lets hope it's at least coherent!

Why so hasty? I didn't write one beforehand when I had the time to, so that one is on me. Out the entire 31st and traveled during most of the 1st. Now I only have 10 minutes left before the clock strikes twelve so the pressure is on!!

I have travelled allot this year, especially on planes. Which, has actually lead to me developing a liking for planes. Haha.

Thailand, India, KL- okay so KL was transit, but it's still two planes!!!

Anyway, I just love that feeling, being air born. It's so, liberating! You feel so light and carefree. As you stare out of the window in quiet contemplation you begin to unravel so much. Possibly also because your head is cleared of the petty problems that -----Aww crap! It's twelve! Oh well---- overwhelm and blind you.

I'm still going to end this abruptly because I just reached home and I need to freshen up and make my way to hostel.

Before I go, there's a few more things I want to get off my chest. New year resolutions and what not. In this year , I have met so many wonderful people tans learnt so much from them. I will always cherish their friendship. A very wise friend of mine, she didn't know it at the time, but she was the one who brought me through this past term. Lets call her J. She told me once ( I have also read this on her blog countless times ;) )

"Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen" - Awesome J

It doesn't sound very sincere saying it so abruptly but due to the lack of time, I have seen this work and am going to give this mantra a go!

I really must rush now, but I hope I bring myself to write a decent 2012 reflection.

Till then, stay hungry, stay curious and push on!


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