Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bad decisions bad consequences

I'm every period of your life, you make both good and bad decisions. For every semester that I studied in university so far, I've had my fair share of both.

From over stretching yourself to poor prioritizing to intoxicated stupors, You always, ALWAYS regret it in the morning.

I told myself I'd be more on task this term and I was for the most part. Except for this one module. It's like I combined everything I did wrong in the past few seems and went full on crazy but just this one mod. For the others, I'd say I'm doing a pretty good job staying on top of things. But for this one mod. I skipped all the classes, I didn't even look at it till the mid terms were a day as a half away. And then it was too late.

Oh well, I guess I just have to overcome this and learn from my -

I don't even want to call this a mistake. I keep going:

"what the hell was I thinking?!?!"

"Oh right, I wasn't."

This is just so highly unlike me. I know I was going through some fudged up shit, but that is no excuse! I shouldn't have skipped class. Period.

It's like in the movies when you keep telling the girl not to open the door ( in your head) and she does and then she dies. Like WTF!? That is all I can say. Thankful for one more weekend. Managed to do some good work today. Now if only I can make it through this test...

You know the whole "path less traveled by" thing? Yeah it's not a unified physics law. Its got it's limitations.... Sometimes the path less traveled by leads you into a big ass ditch. Or worse, off a cliff. When you're at the fork road, that call, in which path to take, is the bloody key. There's risk taking and then there's just being stupid. It's not hard to guess which one I fall under. :/

When I thought of the whole fork road and path less traveled by, especially during my dark days, I couldn't get these lyrics off my head:

"Slip out the back before they know you were there
at the worst you'll see nobody cares.
Cuz you don't wanna be around
when it all goes down,
even heroes know when to be scared"

I don't wanna be that person anymore, I'm not going to slip out the back. I'm right here. You want me? Come find me! :)

Also, the other key, is to bounce back! If you're stuck in the mud, you need to work that much harder, pedal to the metal and you still need one foot to be out of the car so you can push.

I think along with this, I will be done with paying my dues to those demons that I created really really soon. I simply can't wait!

I have never felt more alive, more content, more hungry and more me all year! :) *hugs self*

I'm officially back with a vengeance. A vengeance against those very negative thoughts and energy I once harbored.

2013 is OURS!

*Lilly: "Testify" *
*Marshall: Faints *


 Stay hungry, stay curious and PUSH ON! :)

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