Sunday, March 3, 2013

You are my savior and I love you so

You know those people? The ones who you just click effortlessly with? The ones who become so close and dear to you that you literally feel their pain every time they tell you they're not alright? The ones whom you may not talk to for weeks or even months on end, but when you do, it's like you were never apart? The ones that make so much sense and give you exactly what you need the moment you need it?

Yeah :)

You know who you are. I just want you to know that you are freggin awesome and I love you! Side note, I'm really happy to know that one of you is in a good place, surrounded by opportunity and passion. <3
I can only wish I find that place soon. I feel like I'm close though.

I don't know why, but I'm don't really feel like expressing my self right now.. Hmm


This fast paced life has almost become a norm for me. So much happens every week. I wonder if I'll go crazy when I leave school and go into the mundane and slow paced world. Haha.. Weird..


Let see. Oh I've been sick almost the entire week. Looking forward to getting better.. I hope that happens soon.

Also brackets.
And cucumber pie. (Don't ask.. But yes, I am completely sober right now although I can't say the same for being sane)

Ahh yes.... The gravity of the next eight weeks has begun to dawn on me. These eight weeks mark the end of an era. They signify the end of hostel living, the end of being a freshman, the end of the entire cohort taking common modules, the end of the classes and the daily interactions - being in close proximity with people I have become oh so used to and comfortable with.

But every ending marks a new beginning and I am very excited to see what tomorrow will bring. 8 weeks to pay your dues and say your peace. I couldn't ask for more even if I wanted to. I'm just going to take things as they come and see what happens :)


Good news for me though, I found my happy place in school and for that, I am utterly grateful. :)


I have been having really interesting dreams lately. This one time I dreamt that I was holding hands and walking with someone. As we walked, our fingers intertwined, cool breeze blowing against our face, I couldn't help but feel this eternal joy and peace. I was smiling from ear to ear because I had found the one. That one person whom I could count on. The one person whom I knew with absolute certainty, would pick me up when I fell. With that feeling, of complete peace and contentment radiating to every part if me, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and turned to face that person.

Opening my eyes, I looked straight into those brown, bespectacled eyes that were searching mine. As we held our gaze, I uttered these words

"I am yours, to do with as you choose. I hereby completely and whole heartedly give myself to you. So go on, take me. Take control."

That person was me.
I woke up with a 39.9 degree fever.

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